The Archive2022-12-17T15:06:08-06:00

There are multiple ways to share the A Deacon’s Musing blogs. One way is to organise them based upon such categories as Fiction, Poetry and Visual. Another way is to sort them around Features such as Feather’s Fall, TEDxThe Story of Then or Vignettes, I suspect there is no perfect way to do it. Each hopefully speaks to a particular reader of seeker’s interest or however the muse might be whispering upon each visit. An archive, therefore, feels like an appropriate way to further share these various reflections. I hope, then, that this page proves as one additional way to further engage and create conversation!


The Archive


The Blogs


By |2 April 2009|Categories: A Deacon's Musing|Tags: , , , , |

In my last Blog, Oh, the Temptation ..., I ended it with the following observation: “In the end, while mumbling below my breath, it all revolves around choice and to my frustration, I do not remember Jesus ever pushing someone through a door, merely pointing out that there were and are many doors on the journey of our lives...”

How Then Shall We Lead?

By |13 November 2008|Categories: A Deacon's Musing|Tags: , , , , , |

So I am leaving soon, in fact in less than a week. By the time you read this, I will hopefully be a member of a Witnessing Delegation in Israel-Palestine with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). I have requested, at the suggestion of CPT, that this Blog and my correspondence with Winnipeg and Tamarack Presbyteries of the United Church of Canada not be released until after the 18th of November.

So, are you happy?

By |3 October 2008|Categories: A Deacon's Musing|Tags: , , , , |

Well? Does the word happy convey you to memories of smiling or are you trying to figure out exactly what that means and, in turn, if it actually means anything in your life? Apparently, if you are a religious person, with all of the nuances that word conveys, you might actually be happy, you might actually be able to process what that means in your life.

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