Convocation 2024

Convocation 2024

Members of the Board of Regents, dear graduates, distinguished honorary doctorate recipient, and the dedicated staff and faculty of St. Andrew’s College, the Saskatoon Theological Union, and friends, it is an honour to address you on the Union’s 23rd Convocation,

As we gather this evening, the last year has been a testament to resilience and inspiration for all of us, individually, institutionally, and corporately. Our faculty has not only refined the College’s new Academic and Lifelong Learning Pathways but has also worked collaboratively with the Saskatoon Theological Union’s Common Faculty on our shared MDiv, MTS, and DMin programmes. We have also begun to align our governance structures with these new innovative educational opportunities. And St. Andrew’s staff ongoing dedication has ensured that the College remains a vibrant place of learning and growth, study and living.

This year, St. Andrew’s embarked on a Year of Intention, a journey of public, intentional, and explicit actions, as invited by Affirm United of The United Church of Canada. We delved into what it means to be an affirming ministry and a community that endeavours to be an ally to the 2SLGBTQ+ community. This journey is not just a marker of change post-pandemic but also a celebration of our fifteenth anniversary as an affirming ministry. As we strive to live into Right Relations here in Treaty 6 territory., this year is not only a celebration of our fifteenth anniversary as an affirming ministry, but an invitation to be present, critical, and action oriented considering ongoing oppression and marginalisation.

We began this Year recognising that in the change that is unfolding collectively, it would be important to be reflective of where we have been. Such intention would allow us to bring forward our central commitments into our new endeavours in which we are engaged as a College and with our partners in the Union. For St. Andrew’s, we articulate those touchstones as Theological Education that Embodies Compassion, Hope, and Justice.

Convocation 2024

Convocation 2024

These commitments were showcased through various learning events, many of which are now accessible on one of our YouTube Playlists. Though this initially focused on our relationship with Affirm United, it soon became an expansive opportunity to deepen our partnership commitments. In collaboration with the College of Emmanuel & St. Chad and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, through lectures and panel discussions, the Year of Intention has enriched our understanding of one another as we continue to live into the Union’s 2021 Covenant.

This shared work within the Union has reminded me that our relationship is about shaping space that allows our differences and diversity to nurture shared learning and create new meaning. This Year has highlighted a central reality for each of us here and, in particular, for our graduates: we walk into a hurting pluralistic and secular Canada. A place where people talk at one another and fail to hear one another’s joys and hurts. I hope that we model here, what you have learned in the classroom, the events specific to this Year of Intention equips you, and us, to be a grounded presence of compassion and justice to Creation’s hurting. I also want to take a moment to acknowledge that for you, this year’s graduates in particular, it has been a challenging time. The sheer amount, and rate, of transition in our College and in the STU have been substantial, and I thank you for your patience and ongoing support as we have navigated these troubled waters.

As we prepare to leave this time of celebration, I will hold on to the wisdom that has been present through the Year of Intention. In these tumultuous times, our dedication to the 2SLGBTQ+ community underscores our Justice Policy and the College’s resolve to foster a dynamic learning environment. One in which we strive to challenge assumptions and prepare disciples for a journey reflective of an Easter people. I would like to conclude, therefore, with the aspiration and challenge that is articulated in St. Andrew’s Justice Policy:

At St. Andrew’s College, we celebrate the image of God in all peoples, all cultures and in all creation. Our commitment to justice flows out of this celebration of the divine intent for diversity and abundant life and aligns with commitments of The United Church of Canada.

May It Be So