The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

2 be Change
action demands walls tumble
so our resilient resistance
topples systemic oppressive barriers
& ideologically discriminatory policies
Inspired by refusing to do anything other than rise again …
To truly shape a future where everyone flourishes, we must transcend the allure of slogans and hashtags. Change—be it social, geographic, communal, or personal—demands action, not passivity. It’s through advocacy and celebration that we safeguard dignity, rising together each time we falter in this noble pursuit. Our unity can fortify us, enabling us to bend history’s arc toward a world where we all thrive. This collective journey of resilience and celebration is our path to a world where change is tangible and all-encompassing, where every stumble is a step toward progress, and every voice contributes to the chorus of transformation.

Not summits ascended
nor fjords solo traversed
In the moments we help others to achieve
we honour our gifts we possess by so sharing
Inspired by the cycle of giving & receiving …
In our journey, we often find strength and guidance through the deep bonds within our community. It is in the sacred space of togetherness that we are uplifted by a kind word, a supportive gesture, or even a challenge that propels us forward. Our collective spirit nurtures those among us, enabling achievements that might seem unattainable in solitude. Recognising this truth leads us to introspection, to discover the unique gifts we each possess. Embracing this wisdom, we are called to share our blessings generously, ensuring the success of all, as we are all interconnected in the Life’s tapestry.

To imagine
is to cast the future
from this moment now
spying what will Be
is an audacious choice
to create what has not been
even in chaos’ swirl
Inspired by recognising that imagination is a brace act …
Lest we become lulled into apathy and inaction, let us hold fast to the truth that the very act of imagining is an inherent superpower we all possess. It is within our grasp to look into the future, to envision something distinct and transformative amid life’s challenges, both tangible and abstract.
When we communally dare to glimpse something that defies the logic of the present we take a courageous transformative step. This vision sharing is, in fact, an act of crafting an alternative to the current reality. It is a testament to our shared humanity that we can come together to imagine a world that transcends the limitations of Now, forging a path towards possibility and hope.

Life’s secrets we often seek
will hold no meaning
unless intentionally
we listen to Universe’s song
appreciate Creation’s poetry
so Wisdom awaken
Inspired by communities committed to meaning making …
Secrets are peculiar; they can be openly visible yet remain enigmatic puzzles. Even when someone confides a secret, it can stay indecipherable, shrouded in mystery. To gain understanding, we must embark on a journey of inquiry, asking honest and curious questions. More importantly, we must listen to the revelations shared. Our assumptions only lead us deeper into the maze of the unknown. Thus, to unearth the hidden meanings, we must adopt a practice of attentive listening and engaging in conversations that allow for the emergence of the unexpected. In such moments, wonder and comprehension often join hands, becoming new companions in the unfolding narrative of discovery.

Be not constrained by society’s siren call
Life’s load laughter lightens
Imagination ignites implicit ideas
Dreams dare destiny’s delineation
Inspired by looking beyond artificial confines & constructs …
It often begins with a relative, a companion, or perhaps a tormentor. They plant seeds of doubt, whispering that our potential is bounded, that life’s challenges are insurmountable. As we grow, these refrains persist, suggesting our only power lies in the pursuit of fleeting joys we might attain through profit and acquisition.
Yet, if that were the entirety of our story, our ancestors wouldn’t have toiled in fields unknown, planting for a future they’d never see. Their efforts, now our inheritance, equip us with timeless tools—laughter, imagination, and dreams. With these, we forge ahead, shaping dreams into reality, honouring their legacy by dreaming anew for the generations to come.

Take seriously that our story
is ours to tell
Acquiesce not agency
to another to our tale tell
Run joyfully into its unfolding
so liberated we be
Inspired by claiming the stories we tell …
In a world where voices are often silenced and identities marginalised, the power of storytelling is usurped, leading to a flattened narrative, stereotyping, and a skewed reality. To break free, we must reclaim our stories and aid others in doing the same, unveiling the contradictions that have inundated us. This act of reclamation is a step towards dismantling systemic barriers and discriminatory policies. It’s in the diversity of our experiences, told as stories, that we find strength. By sharing our journeys, we not only see the world through a prism of resilient perspectives but also inspire transformative imagination and action.

as voices contrarian
whispered Impossibility’s dis-ease
defiantly we resolutely created
As a new day dawns
& reveals what should not be
Inspired by rejecting the lull of impossibility …
Wonder is deeply woven into our essence, a reflection of the Creation of which we are intricately part. We possess the innate gift to view, with genuine curiosity, the profound beauty into which we are but a part ot eh Weave. This inherent gift, however, is too often forsaken for the logic of profit-yielding columns. Our task, amidst this tension, is to impart to the next generation that what is deemed today as improbable, impossible, childish, or fanciful, is, in truth, merely tomorrow’s reality in the making—waiting to be brushed from our imagination’s prowess to paint beyond the confines of lines.

Love’s deep invitation
pervades every atom
Within this Rich Arras
we’re each embraced
granting us strength
to courageously be
Compassion’s agent
Inspired by Love’s strength to be Kindness’ hands …
We possess dual temperaments, fluctuating between a rational call for interdependence and a survival instinct that segregates us into ‘us’ versus ‘them.’ This dichotomy is a constant in our collective journey. Acknowledging these threads in our fabric, as individuals and as a community, we face a choice: which thread do we weave into the tapestry for the next generation? My experience tells me that our capacity to thrive hinges on ensuring Love’s resilience, even amidst the divides we are tempted to carve within ourselves and among Others. It is Love that must persist, bridging the gaps and nurturing our shared humanity.
Your reflections are most welcome!