The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Lest we forget
our Elder’s face
Mentor’s teachings
& Steward’s sacrifices
we’re in danger of repeating
mistakes from which we should have learned
Inspired by not forgetting teachings hard learned …
When we remember those who have served, we are invited into a time of not only reflection but action. This reflexive commitment allows us to learn lessons about how to foster joy and nurture peace even amid disagreement. This is not a simple task, as we will be tempted to react to hurt with hurt, to harm with harm.
What we put into the universe is what will become manifest. As we consider those whom we have followed, it is the teachings that, even in the midst of deep discord and challenge, model peace and serve as beacons of light in times of gathered shadows.

Amid status quo
Surrounded by indifference
Among the banal
During dull imagining
In mediocrity
know you can choose to Be more
Inspired by embracing that the impossible is possible …
When we establish what is deemed ‘normal,’ we will, inevitably, set boundaries that limit us. No matter where we find ourselves within those boundaries, the result is the same: a constructed semblance that diminishes the vibrancy each of us brings to our communities.
Do you remember those days of youth when colours danced? When the impossible was something not yet dared? Inevitably, knees got scraped and mistakes were made, but the living learning filled you with vitality. What if that was what we were taught would lead to our thriving? What might today look like then?

Repetition fashions our pathways
Whether we proceed by habit or intention
the first we unconsciously meander
& latter we observe with awareness
Inspired by acting with intention …
Repetition shapes our journey, guiding us through familiar routes. When we act out of habit, we drift along without much thought, following well-worn paths. However, when we move with intention, we become keenly aware of each step, observing our surroundings and choices with clarity. This duality of unconscious meandering and conscious observation highlights the balance between routine and mindfulness. It reminds us that while habits can provide comfort and efficiency, intentional actions bring depth and understanding to our experiences. Whether we act by rote or deliberation, we are reminded that our choices always carry import for ourselves and our communities./p>

Tenaciously upholding our individual dignity
Energised by creativity’s tension
Affirming of our distinct gifts
Motivated by shared future cast
Inspired by the gift of birthing the future within community …
There is joy in celebrating individual accomplishments with our community. It is a gift to be affirmed by those we trust to support and challenge us. Another gift emerges when individuals within a community come together to create something new that would be challenging alone. Such a community, committed to a shared future, has many names: team, company, band, unit, and partners. When we gather, recognising our individual gifts and supporting each other’s nobility, we achieve what alone would be impossible. This recognition invites us to create something that benefits all, whether in art, sport, advocacy, or knowledge.

There is only Try
Dismiss cynical voices
that cast envy upon our dreams
Though our aspiration may not be realised
in our doing Revelation awaits
Inspired by committing to effort amidst struggle …
It is amazing to watch a colony of ants as they endeavour to build their homes, harvest resources, and confront obstacles that may hinder, even threaten, their well-being. What always strikes me when observing the colony in nature or through a formicarium is their tenacity. They are collectively resolute in the tasks they pursue and often innovate in ways that marvel. I wonder if we were able to be so focused, silencing the naysayers, both internal and external, what we might be able to accomplish? What might we achieve as communities committed to fostering a world in which all know they are Beloved?

The Poet
They pen Universe’s song
He knows beauty inalienable
She embraces diversity’s marvel
They care for those oppressed
& anger constrained
Inspired by seeing past the noise …
Awakening can be difficult, and sometimes it is tempting to stay asleep. We need to acknowledge that recognising the benefits we receive may come at the expense of others. This realisation is never easy, especially when some choose to diminish such awareness or intentionally reinforce illusions that pit us against one another. However, the promise of awakening is to embrace the idea that we are much grander when our clasped hands reach further than we alone ever could. We are part of a tapestry so large that only by embracing one another’s beauty do we begin to see the cloud of stars of which we are but one.

by repetition
we do
whether practiced or habit
defines our character
Without intention
though upon soil firm we stand
there can be no balance
Inspired by the pursuit to seek harmony within …
Seeking balance in our lives is a noble pursuit. Sometimes, the choices are clear, but other times, we need help. Accepting support can feel like failure, but it’s the Universe affirming our journey. Our work reveals how we keep ourselves stuck in familiar patterns. These constructs imprison us from realising we are more than our routines. When we gain this wisdom, we become the hand and words of the Universe for others seeking balance. By embracing this understanding, we not only free ourselves but also offer guidance and support to those around us, fostering a community of growth and harmony.

Throughout our life’s unfolding
whether by Elder or experience
book or revelation
knowledge is imparted
Wisdom dawns
when we practice our learning
Inspired by the conversation amid experience & information …
It is worth celebrating the fact that a significant amount of our collective learning is accessible in a moment when we search the internet. Whether that’s to study the great artists or philosophers, how something works and can be fixed, or the background to complex histories and the ethical choices that were, or were not made, we should recognise this deep trove that is before us. And yet, this accessibility does not become understanding; it does not foster wisdom unless we do something with it. How we integrate and practice that which we learn is one of the touchstones when we live an examined life.
Thought-provoking as always, thank you, friend Richard!
My pleasure, friend Steve!