UCiM @ Facebook

UCiM @ Facebook

I have been considering starting a blog again for some time now. Before I get ahead of myself, however, Wikipedia defines a blog in the following manner:

A blog (a blend of the term web log is a type of website or part of a website supposed to be updated with new content from time to time. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

I was very privileged to be able to blog for several years through the United Church in Canada’s Emerging Spirit programme. This time of blogging allowed me to share ideas, random thoughts and impressions that connected with ideas of discipleship, our denominational experience and how we might, might not, were and were not connecting with people aged between 25-40. For various reasons, however, the programme came to an end in 2010 and, as such, my ability to contribute to this larger aspect of our collective ministry came to an end.

As 2010 became 2011, I have sensed a need, longing, desire to revisit this aspect of reflecting and sharing. I have also come to realise that blogging, as an expression of sharing our ministry, had become a kind of discipline for me. For one, it allowed me to dig into some aspects of theology, contemporary issues, faith, social justice for which I just did not necessarily have the time. And, perhaps just as importantly, I had to do it in a short amount of space and time. The reality is that a blog, and generally any online text, needs to be both pithy and brief. Regardless of analysis as to why that is, it’s a reality and it is sometimes easier to accept a situation, rather than pine for something other …

As I came to this ‘aha,’ I also found myself writing last quarter’s Monitor musing about how we might want to be more intentional in making time and space for our own spiritual journey, and yet the realities of the many distractions that exist in our human world can often get in the way … At the same time, I had begun conversation with UCiM’s Ministry & Personnel Committee (M&P) – think Human Resources, kind of – about the possibility of my beginning to blog as part of the way my role in our community might further reach out to those who are seeking or checking us out.

UCiM @ twitter

UCiM @ twitter

In the four+ years that Shelly and I have been walking with UCiM, our online presence, through our website, Facebook, twitter & YouTube (to mention only a few), has become a key way in which we both reach out and by which we are checked out. Regardless as to whether or not we are all plugged-in the context of testifying and evangelising our ministry must recognise that this is the medium by which most of those born since the 1970s operate. Meeting people where they are at was and is core to Jesus’ ministry and this is one way that we can do that …

After discussing the idea with M&P and reflecting with Rev. Shelly, the green light has been lit. As I consider my previous ‘A Deacon’s Musing,’ I thought I would send out an invitation/challenge (use which ever word helps you consider, seriously, the following). As I begin to blog regularly, what are some of the questions, concerns, worries, and hopes that you have that connect to your faith? What aspects of our Christian experience would you like to know more about? What connexions would you like see explored between faith and how you/we live that out? Some of the usual provisos would be:

  • I do not know if I will use it
  • I do not know when I will use it
  • I cannot guarantee that what I write is what you may have wanted to hear.

If you can live with that tension and feel that this might also be one way you engage with your faith journey as a discipline and you are open to the uncertainty that happens when you share part of your monologue, do know I WILL be most grateful and humbled by the trust. If this feels like a fit, and maybe even if it does not, but you want to take that step regardless, here are just a few of the ways you can reach me (NOTE: This contact information is no longer accurate, but has been left to reflect original content of this Archived blog):

  • rmmt@ucim.org
  • twitter (http://twitter.com/meadowooduc)
  • facebook (https://www.facebook.com/meadowooduc)
  • 204.256.7002
  • UCiM, 1111 Dakota St., Winnipeg, MB, R2N 3T7

A few final things:

  • If you are contacting me digitally, please use the title/subject: A Deacon’s Musing
  • If you share through a public medium (i.e. UCiM’s facebook page/twitter), I will assume I may use that information explicitly in the blog itself
  • If you share through a private medium (i.e. email, mail, in-person) could you please advise me as to your expectation of confidentiality/privacy

Well, Brothers and Sisters, I sign off from this Deacon’s Musing with excitement to continue one of my own spiritual disciplines that may very well be enriched by your own engagement.