Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking both directly to our United Church of Canada and generally to faith communities. As with all stories, this may not have actually happened, but all stories are true. And as story-tellers know, once you hear them, they are happening to you …
Please explore the Tabs above for previous Vignettes.
Dice (March 29/13)
A Bible (January 15/15)
Chris (March 13/15)
Notre Mère (April 18/15)
Techne (July 10/15)
A Basement (September 25/15)
A Letter (October 30/15)
Silence (January 22/16)
Pen & Mirror (April 08/16)
Honour Roll (October 14/16)
Shepherd (November 25/16)

Lent|Vignette (The River) (April 2/20)
1988/ (May 13/20)
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin . . . (June 21/22)
The Story of Then (June 21/22)
Vignette|A Letter
Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking
Vignette|A Basement
A Basement Image: fusion-of-horizons It’s nice to see – I must admit – that even though you continue to care for me (as the years have proceeded) that your Property peeps are
Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking both
Vignette|Notre Mère
Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking
Lent|Vignette (Chris)
A Lenten Collection Lent: We walk into the gathering danger & doubt surrounding Jesus as he made choices that led to the Cross. This is a time of preparation & reflection. Where
Vignette|A Bible
Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking both
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